Parov Stelar - The Green Frog

Dance Music Video, Parov Stellar song titled The Green Frog, Dancentricity Music Television by The Indies Network

Dancentricity Music Television is proud to present the Austrian artist known as Parov Stelar, a DJ who is also known as his actual given name, Marcus Füreder. He is the founder of the eclectic indie label known as Etage Noir Recordings.

Just below is the dance music video to the Parov Stellar song titled The Green Frog, which is track #6 from the album titled The Demon Diaries.

The director was Alexej Sigalov of the production company Reichl und Partner.

Parov Stelar - The Green Frog

Connect direct with Parov Stelar at ParovStelar.Com,, and

Connect direct with Etage Noir Recordings at EtageNoir.Com and

Connect direct with Alexej Sigalov and Reichl und Partner productions at

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